Thursday, May 2, 2013

For Younger Readers (Going Into 1st through 5th Grades)

Even younger children should read during the summer!

Each student going into grades 1 to grades 5 was given a Summer Reading Log. Have your student return to school in September with this log if he or she would like to win the incentives listed below.

600 minutes (1 hour per week) ..... A secret prize!

1200 minutes (2 hours per week)....   A secret prize AND a snack at lunch!

1800 minutes (3 hours per week)..... A secret prize AND a snack at lunch AND a pizza party with Mr. Strong!

Not sure what you want your child to read?  Check out these suggestions and get started!

Suggested Book Lists from Reading Rockets

Staff Recommendations from Barnes and Noble

50 Fun Books to Read This Summer

Book It! Book List Grades 3-6

Book It! Book List Grades K-2

1 comment:

  1. We have continued our usual reading schedule. Except summer reading is more than usual; it will be more exciting, since we will do our reading everywhere we go....reading at the park, reading at the beach/pool and reading during long drives etc. etc. We are on our way to a great summer of reading!
